
Streets of rogue trophy guide
Streets of rogue trophy guide

Hostile attackers like cannibals are often hostile to the rest of park denizens and thus can be lured into their homes.Speed is also handy is it helps to dodge local melee-centric enemies and traps. Easiest when using strong melee character like werewolves, cannibals and such.Gorillas and soldiers present will be friendly if you're one of them and make strong and numerous allies, but cannibals and vampires (could be wrong on the last one) will remain hostile if you're one of them.


  • Differs from other areas greatly, full of open spaces, and has NPCs you won't encounter anywhere else replacing more commonplace ones.
  • streets of rogue trophy guide

    Police presence on every floor and lack of overwhelming enemy force makes Cop a viable option, Slavemasters can use slaves to detonate barrels and set oil on fire while fighting next to them, previously mentioned hackers and wrestlers are also great.Beat all three floors of Industrial with 5 different characters.Jock wall breaking may help get inside factories another facilities too, and Wrestler can exploit all the barrels and oil spills on the floors to take out large groups of enemies. Hackers are a pretty good choice for this, seeing how common factories full of computer-controlled hazards are in Industrial.More numerous fighting NPC presence and many environmental hazards make this area rather lethal, but the hazards can be exploited against enemies, so try to position yourself in a way to throw enemies into pits or flames, given chance.Soldiers, gangsters, cannibals, gorillas and werewolves are an easy option seeing how they have superior combat proves.Beat all three floors of Slums with 5 different characters.Just be prepared for surprises, stock up on food and other supplies if really lacking confidence. Third level contains some random gimmick which may make it way harder, or in some cases easier.If you struggle surviving, the the F button to quickly consume food.Scientist also offers versatile abilities and can be unlocked pretty early. Hacker may need some practice but is also easy to get by with.

    streets of rogue trophy guide

  • This can be done with any of early game characters, although combat proves and no major restrictions make Crepe and Soldier easy options.
  • You have to complete the first three floors, and use the elevator to move on from slums to industrial area.
  • Only do side quests to level yourself up if you’re struggling with a certain story mission, once you have completed the final story mission, your Trophy will unlock.

    streets of rogue trophy guide

    If you are struggling and die several times, the game will ask you if you’d like to lower the difficulty, do not do this as it will negate your trophy, ensure you play through the game from start to finish on hard. Reckoning mode is a very useful tool and is pretty much an instant win against any enemy in the game so utilise this as much as possible and you shouldn’t have that much difficulty. Levelling is very important in Amalur, so if needs be grind the levels in the starting few areas to have an easier time of later on in the game. Ensure you save before any major fight and if needs be, run away. Hard difficulty, isn’t really that hard in this game, if you have played Blodborne / Dark Souls / Sekiro / Mortal Shell, you will have a much easier time here on hard difficulty than you would have playing those games.Įquipping a shield is invaluable for getting through the game on hard, as is ensuring you are stocked up on potions.

    Streets of rogue trophy guide